Welcome to the communication platform for the nature guides of Northern KwaZulu-Natal!

Come join us, become part of the enthusiastic and

professional guiding community in KZN North!

We organise excursions, workshops and lectures and

on this page you'll find all information about it as well

as other info that is of relevance to professional field

guides in this area!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Emotional Intelligence workshop

Hi everyone

We are getting a professional Life and Business Coach in January 2012 at Bhejane Nature Training (False Bay, Hluhluwe) to run a 1 day Emotional Intelligence workshop. This is an excellent programme for anyone that regularly deals with guests or staff or want to improve their personal effectiveness and interpersonal relationships. 

Bhejane will cover all additional fees such as the facilitator’s travel, meals and accommodation. You will only pay the individual cost of training.  

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to be aware of one’s own emotional state and that of others. People with low EQ often struggle with communication. This becomes more evident in an environment where there is no room for miscommunication. In order for a team to function effectively, the channels of communication must be open and allow individuals to express themselves without fear of retaliation or vengeance. Managing one’s own emotions effectively facilitates harmonious interaction with others. This is often because you are more aware of the impact your words and deeds have on others.
Emotional intelligence can also be defined as non-cognitive skills and competencies needed to successfully communicate and interact with people in our daily lives. Emotional intelligence allows you to manage your own and other’s emotions and to guide thinking and actions.
We used to believe that success depended solely on intelligence (IQ - the measure of an individual’s intellectual, analytical, rational and logical abilities.) If you were intellectually superior, the expectation was that you would succeed. This notion has long since changed since the discovery that one’s emotional intelligence (EQ) often plays a larger role than one’s IQ.
We can become more productive and successful at what we do and also help others to be more productive and successful by developing our Emotional Intelligence in the five EQ domains. Emotional Intelligence also helps to decrease conflict; improve relationships and to increase stability, continuity and harmony.
We are looking at having the workshop conducted the 20th of January 2012.   The company is called Success Factory and the facilitator Elsabe Manning.   You can read more on their website – www.successfactory.co.za 

Their normal rate is R1800 per person, but they are willing to do it for us at R1200 per person.  As stated Bhejane will cover the extras (meals, accommodation and transport for the facilitator)
For more information please email Christa Panos at dpanos@tiscali.co.za or call her on 083-7263826.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wilderness First Aid Course

Hi all,

We (Bhejane Nature Training, Ehlatini Bush Camp, False Bay) are running a Wilderness First Aid Course next week and have a couple of spaces open if there are any FGASA KZN North members that would like to join. It is conducted by SMART and is recognised by the Dept of Labour. 

Course dates are 8 – 10 November
If anyone wants more info or to join they can just contact me at dpanos@tiscali.co.za
Or phone Jana on 076 6035 868 to book a place.

Prices are R850 (including lunch for all three days but excluding accommodation)
R1250 with accommodation and meals.

FGASA KZN North Workshops seem to work!

Dear all,

We are proud to announce that the last national exam sitting in Hluhluwe had an excellent pass rate! Out of the 11 people that wrote the FGASA terrestrial level 1, 8 passed! Three of those had attended one of our exam workshops. In addition, one person passed its FGASA Marine Level 1, and 4 passed their trails guide. Congratulations to all those learners, and the few that didn't pass this time, good luck next time!

The FGASA KZN North Committee