Welcome to the communication platform for the nature guides of Northern KwaZulu-Natal!

Come join us, become part of the enthusiastic and

professional guiding community in KZN North!

We organise excursions, workshops and lectures and

on this page you'll find all information about it as well

as other info that is of relevance to professional field

guides in this area!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Spider & Scorpion Course 19th of August

Hi all,

A full day's course in arachnids will be presented by arachnologist Jonathan Leeming on Sunday 19th August at Bonamanzi.
Jonathan is one of South Africa’s foremost experts on scorpions and spiders and author of the book ‘Scorpions of South Africa.'

Also conducting 'Scorpions Adventures', Hoedspruit based Jonathan recently spend time in the area presenting courses and leading field trips, and got to know some of our local eight legged creepy crawlies.
Northern Natal offers a variety of habitats and a high arthropod diversity and is home to high population densities of spiders and scorpions. In some areas of KZN the scorpion population density can be as high as 3 scorpions per square meter!!

This course is ideal for anyone interested in spiders, scorpions, amblypygids and solifugids,
or for those who would like to learn from a leading authority. Everyone is welcome even if you can't tell the difference between a scorpion and a crab.
The course consists of lectures in the morning and hands on practical field work in the afternoon and provides the solid foundations for understanding and identifying Southern African spiders and scorpions.
Handling of spiders and scorpions is not compulsory but provides a very exiting hands on experience.
The course is endorsed by both F.G.A.S.A and the I.Z.S

Cost of the course is R945 per person and includes workbooks. For more information download the pdf brochure on https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25478279/BonamanziCourse_2012_small.pdf or visit Jonathan's website www.scorpions.co.za, or contact him directly Jonathan@scorpions.co.za

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Reminder: Register for KZN North Top Shot

Come, don't be an idiot like this oke! Join us for some proper exercise at the KZN North Top Shot!

Hi all,

We have recieved a large number of 'Yes I am coming' replies but not everybody has handed in their entry form yet. This is essential for our admin so if you haven't returned the entry form to us yet, please do so now to avoid dissapointment. You may find that the course will be full if you wait too long, or that you can't participate on the day because you haven't registred.

The form can be downloaded from:


It must be returned to dpanos@tiscaly.co.za as soon as possible, but latest the 20th of August. Remember, there are only so many spaces available, and first come, first served...

with best regards,

The FGASA KZN North Working Group